Wednesday, September 19, 2007

all for kali now...

My birthday is coming up in 11 days and i'm really excited because prior to my birthday would be Kali's shower.... I cant wait to open the gifts i'm receiving. So far I have 4 downstairs that i so want to open but shouldn't coz i have to wait till the 29th.

I wanted a lot of things for my birthday but i'm making a priorities, I shouldn't ask for anything from my hubby and my parents because they've given me way too much for Kali.

SO bu asked me what i want. I wanted the SB800 flash for a long time now but its expensive so that's out of the list. Macbook?well, i know i cant have that unless we'll win some jockpot or something...hehe so i told him, i want the 50mm nikon nikkor lens, its only $119 in ritz camera but I'm thinking I really shouldn't be asking any gift this year, Maybe next year I can but this year, I've received so much from the people i love...

hayyy... its all for Kali now:)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

lost in this world

i don't know where i am, i don't know where i'll be. I know this shall pass but it made me wonder, WHERE IN THE WORLD DO I WANT TO PLACE MYSELF AT??? I shouldn't be asking myself this, I should know where I stood but I don't. We call this crossroads but to be honest, i've been in this crossroads for so long.

in 12 weeks I'll meet my lil' girl. I should know and be certain where my life is heading before she comes out but Its hard. I've always been amaze w/ my dad's work that's why i followed him but now I'm hesistating. I should have taken nursing. I would have used it right away but we all know i never liked science.

Now i'm thinking of getting that course. For the sake of giving my family a better life. But will I be happy? Will i find myself? I don't know. Happiness is within. I'm happy but i'm hesitant to what I want in my life.

If only I know where I'm heading, i'd be sure that whatever I decide is right. But right now i cant afford to make mistake. I cant afford to be wrong. I should be a good example. I'm tired. I'm hella tired but Life must go one.

I used to know what i want. I used to know what my goal is but now its all UNCERTAIN... I just go w/ the flow. I just follow where the breeze sends me. I just hope wherever it goes, it will be the right thing to do...