Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 1 workout

I stopped working out since Kali started school last year in August. I was doing quit good for 3-4months straight and then i got lazy because i havent been getting enough sleep when the princess started school so i fell behind and next thing i know its 2012...

I have given up rice over the lent. Yes i am catholic and i kinda hate myself for not as religious as i used to be before i moved to the US of A. Though i do attend church every sunday prior to having kids then when i started having children - i kinda stopped. It is kinda challenging for me to drag two kids by myself at church every sunday. The hubs usually have work on weekends and out church where i live only offers mass in the morning of sunday.

Though i still pray at home & still attends mass on holy week, xmas and etc and ofcourse teaches my kids how to pray and talk to jesus at night - i still feel that despite not being able to go to church as often as im suppose to, i try to pay my respect in my own way.

So this year for the first time in years, a friend and i decided to give something up for the entire lent and holy week. We gave up rice and knowing me and her - we cannot live without it. Its a must on every meal. A meal aint complete without it.

I was suppose to start ash wednesday but prior to that i had a dental appointment on the monday before ash wed & ended up having a root canal. Since it was my first and was scared that i could fucked it up afterward i started eating just soup (Pho - vietnamese beef noodle soup) and it went on mon & tues soo by ash wed it was actually my 3rd day of eice. It was tough i tell you but i know injust had to so it. If i cant do something as easy (hardest for me) this, then i am no good - i have no will power and i was not to accept that...

So it went on replaying rice with pasta at first and the hubs keep telling me that i might as well eat rice if im eating pasta sooo i started cooking steamed veggies and oatmeal as my rice replacement and the next thing i know - today is my 29th day off rice and my abs are starting to look nice. But that's not enough, i gotta add working out - i know but i was too damn lazy.

So today i told myself enough is enough. I have to work out sooo i finally did for 25mins. I know its short but hey you gotta start somewhere right??!!! Maybe after i pick up the princess at school im gonna hit my bike. Baby steps :))

Anyway, im hoping to have more define abs and legs by the time i take my vacation back home. I have 3 mos to go to do that. And well i'm not getting younger so i gotta take care of myself right? Soo there today's day 1 im gonna keep track on my workout here on my blog. Bear with my silliness :)... Tata for now 😉😉😉


Live.Love.Laugh. 💛


  1. good to hear that you start working out...never in my life i will do that tingali for i am wayyyyyyy too lazy for that...but we shall see, since we will be moving soon and beside our house is a track field where i can take chaos with me and walk or jog for 10 mins or 5 just to sweat..

    1. Lol u should start since we are not getting any younger and we need to start living healthy
