Tuesday, January 09, 2007

tsk damn job, when will i ever have one??

I was gonna apply for a "planning intern" but i turned in my application too late so that leaves me in a dead end again. Man, i really don't know what i'm gonna do w/ my life although i love being at home and doing nothing but i just got to earn some moolah to be able to save or buy whatever i want and not feel guilty in spending it. tsk tsk...

i did apply in an employment agency to help me find the job that i want and i have an interview set for tomorrow at 12:30pm so guys, wish me luck. I wish i can see what i want in a clear view. Hubby doesn't want me to work, i know that for a fact but i'm getting too bored here that i want to do something. We haven't played golf for a while coz its been cold and well, the holiday left us both broke so we're catching up.

I wanna go to the gym, after a year break from not going to the gym, i finally want to take that step and try to make my life be healthy but i need a job to do that. Its not that expensive but i don't want to spend money that i didnt earn although i know hubby wouldn't really mind.

I've been reading too much pocket books lately, i guess i've been eating up my time reading cheesy stuff w/c reminds me of my cousin's bestfriend who's an author in pi who told me to write something and see if she can publish it...haha! yah right... i don't even write well..tsk tsk but well, my mind can make up lots of imagination but i just cant put it in writing..

anyways, i'm gonna try and make myself tired that way i can fall asleep early tonight. i really wish before this month would end, i will find a job.

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